In this hypnosis session Jayne returns for our Christmas Special! It’s our first ever Christmas themed hypnosis experience, where we explore all the seasonal suggestions and requests we could fit in, along with some great costumes and props, providing one of our favorite sessions to date.
Since we’ve worked with Jayne a few times before, she was a great subject once again, allowing us to fit a lot of content into this Special. Following a full hypnotic induction, she becomes frozen like a statue whenever she hears a special trigger word. She drops into an instant sleep whenever she is hit with stuffed toy snowballs. She responds to a TV remote as if it were programmed for her. She thinks and acts like a number of different animals including a penguin and a reindeer (with a bright red nose).She becomes one of Santa’s elves, and also becomes a zombie elf, left repeating the few Christmas words she remembers. She experiences age regression while opening a few Christmas presents. In one of our more outrageous suggestions yet Jayne draws on her face with a lipstick while her hand is being controlled by the hypnotist. This is only to highlight a few suggestions from a long list of memorable moments. Read below for the full list of suggestions.
Technical note: This is the first session where we used a new lapel mic, allowing better audio during quiet dialogue.
Full list of suggestions:
- Full induction and reinduction
- Becomes frozen like a statue whenever she hears a special trigger word
- She is often moved or posed while she remains frozen
- While she is frozen an elf’s hat is placed on her head
- The hat becomes stuck to her head and she can’t get it off
- When she’s asked her name she can’t help from saying the name Pepper, her Elf name
- She stands up and salutes the camera anytime she hears a snap but doesn’t know why
- She is hypnotized again with an instant induction
- She stands up and salutes the camera again when she hears a snap, but this time says “Yes Santa,” as well
- She experiences the magic remote, as if a regular TV remote as been programmed to work on her
- She is paused, put in slow motion, her language is changed to gibberish, and she is powered off
- It tastes like anything the hypnotist points to becomes covered in a candy coating, including her lips and her fingers
- She changes off-screen into a red one-piece and finds she cannot stop posing for the camera once it’s on
- She slowly begins to think and act like a cat
- She is transformed into various animals, thinking and acting like a cat, a chicken, and a penguin
- She slowly transforms into a reindeer with a bright red nose placed on her face
- She becomes both a cheerleader and a ballerina
- She becomes one of Santa’s Elves
- She believes she’s one of Santa’s Elves but slowly transform into a mindless zombie, only repeating a few Christmas words that she remembers
- She has hypnotic tourettes, shouting out a random curse word while she is speaking
- She believes she’s a robot being turned on for the first time as a Christmas gift and describes her experience
- She becomes a robot programmed for pleasure and describes her programming and experience
- Whenever she is hit with a toy stuffed snowball she drops into an instant sleep
- She is given a toy gun that gives her a jolt of pleasure anytime she’s shot with it, but also finds it lowers her IQ each time and knows this
- She becomes hypnotically bound to a stuffed monkey, and finds her body moves like a puppet any direction the monkey’s does
- She can also feel anything the monkey feels and she feels tickled whenever the monkey is
- She opens a Christmas present that causes her to fall in love with the monkey
- She finds the monkey gives off a pleasurable sensation
- She becomes hypnotized by the monkey and finds herself slowly transforming into one herself
- She places her hair in pigtails and finds her age slowly regressing
- She opens another Christmas present and finds the box inside only further regresses her age
- She feels a desire to put on extra lipstick but when she does she finds herself mesmerized by the mirror while she continues to apply extra layers of lipstick
- She doesn’t realize she has on any extra lipstick
- She becomes mesmerized by the camera lens, and while mesmerized her hands are controlled by the hypnotist
- She is given lipstick to hold in one hand and draws on her face while completely mesmerized
- She wakes up without remembering anything about the lipstick and she’s given a small mirror
- She experiences the pleasurable handshake
- She believes the session is finished but finds her hand becomes stuck to the doorknob and gives off the same pleasurable sensation she experienced during the handshake
Price: $19.99
Video Format: MP4
Quality: 1080p
File Size: 2.83gb
Length: 2hr24m
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