In this hypnosis session we feature the popular Ariana, who was returning for her third hypnosis session. She was an excellent subject in her previous visits and once again she found it quite easy to reach a deep hypnotic state. Since she was so easy to work with, we managed to fit a lot of suggestions and requests into this video, some classic suggestions with a few tweaks, and some brand new suggestions for her to experience. It’s also her first release we’ve decided to place in the adult section, as a few times in this visit things get a little crazy. It’s one release that shouldn’t be missed!
While we spend a little extra time deepening her trance state than her previous two visits, it’s also the longest of any of Ariana’s sessions, and includes an incredible list of suggestions explored. Almost from the start she experiences a hypnotic freeze, becoming completely stuck in place until she hears a special trigger word releasing her. She enters this frozen state many times in this video, being given a lot of her earlier suggestions this way. She experiences a number of transformations, believing she’s several different animals, including the classic chicken. She also wears costumes for a few of these transformations. She becomes a playboy bunny, offering a few different poses for the camera. She becomes a cheerleader, offering a few cheers and talking about her favorite football team. She repeatedly becomes a robot, following simple commands and being given new suggestions to follow in this state. She experiences the pleasure gun, which turned out to be quite a powerful experience for her. She finds her breasts suddenly have a mind of their own and slowly take control of her entire body in one of our wildest scenes. She also experiences a few surprises after she believes the session has wrapped up.
This is only to highlight a handful of moments from a truly incredible hypnosis session, and it comes highly recommended for new and old fans alike.
Technical note: This release includes improved audio, which will be included in all releases moving forward. There was some outside noise during the induction, but it’s only during the induction.
Full list of suggestions:
- Full hypnotic induction and reinduction
- Several different inductions are used to deepen the hypnotic state
- She becomes frozen whenever she hears a trigger phrase
- She is moved and posed while she remains frozen
- She is given new suggestions to follow while she is frozen
- She is hypnotized by the pocket watch
- She finds herself saying and thinking the phrase “I am deeply hypnotized” anytime she’s asked how she feels or how she is doing
- She becomes frozen slowly, starting from her toes with the freezing moving up all the way to her head
- She feints or falls asleep instantly anytime she hears a snap
- Anytime she’s hit with the “hypno gun” she feints or falls asleep instantly as well
- Smelling a flower bouquet causes her to enter a sleepy, happy state where she can follow suggestions
- She repeats a few mantras while smelling the bouquet
- She becomes a robot whenever she hears a trigger word, thinking and acting mechanically
- She follows some simple commands while she is a robot, including repeating “yes master” in any response
- She becomes a chicken, thinking and acting like a chicken
- She puts a cat costume on while she’s a robot
- She returns to normal and notices the costume, but slowly finds herself transforming into a cat
- She puts a bunny costume on while she’s a robot
- She transforms into a hypno bunny, thinking and acting like a cute bunny
- While still in the bunny costume, she believes she’s a playboy bunny instead, doing some sexy poses for the camera
- She believes she’s a cheerleader, and does some cheers for the camera
- She becomes a mindless, grunting zombie
- She believes her breasts have a mind of their own, and they slowly take control of her body
- She believes her hand has a mind of its own and it can hypnotize her, giving her a suggestion to follow that only her hand knows
- Her hand hypnotizes her to itch and scratch all over her body
- She feels a jolt of pleasure whenever she’s shot with a toy gun
- She discovers the toy gun has settings going from 1 all the way up to 10, increasing the pleasure with each level
- She tries the pleasure gun on herself
- She becomes completely rigid like a piece of steel
- She is moved while she remains completely rigid, and placed on the couch
- She is powered off while she’s a robot
- She removes her socks while she’s a robot
- She finds her feet completely mesmerizing
- She feints or drops into an instant sleep anytime she touches her feet
- After she believes the session has ended and she’s preparing to leave, she finds anytime she touches her boots she becomes a chicken again
- Once her boots are on she finds they cause her to begin dancing
- When her hand touches the door, it becomes stuck and she experiences waves of pleasure
- She is hypnotized again with an instant induction
- She begins to dance again, removing her jacket
- She becomes a chicken again, thinking and acting like a chicken
- She is hypnotized again while thinking she’s a chicken
Price: $19.99
Video Format: MP4
Quality: 1080p
File Size: 2.90gb
Length: 2hr49m
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