In this hypnosis session we feature a brand new volunteer who initially took some work getting her into a deep enough trance for the first time, but once there provided for some great scenes and reactions. I stuck to some more classic, simple suggestions in this shoot, including spending a lot of time working with the suggestion where her eyes roll whenever my hand passed over her eyes, causing her to feel as if she were fainting or falling asleep. It’s a very powerful to see her fall into trance over and over again, and shouldn’t be missed.
Since I kept things simple in this shoot, there is a great deal of freezing, where she’s made to feel completely frozen like a statue, left in that state she is posed and modeled. She’s also made to experience her mind being drained from the camera lens, as well as being told to fight the pocket watch, yet still finds herself falling into trance. But the highlight is likely the suggestion I mentioned above, where she experiences the sensation of fainting or falling asleep each time my hand passes over her eyes, with a lot of natural eye rolling.
Full list of suggestions:
Full induction and reinduction
She has trouble remembering her name
Becomes frozen when triggered
She is moved and posed while frozen
Her tongue becomes numb when she tries to say her name
Her mind becomes blank
She’s made to follow simple commands while blank
Removes her socks while her mind is blank
Faints whenever hand passes over her eyes
Her mind is drained from the camera lens
Tries but finds she cannot resist the pocket watch
Pleasurable handshake
Partially freezes upon departure when she touches the door
Price: $19.99
Video Format: MP4
Quality: 1080p
File Size: 2.68gb
Length: 2hr49m
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